We are scientists who are advocating for a profession that is more equitable, stable, and better engaged with public policy. We have more power to make these changes united than as individuals, and collective action is the way forward. We support democratic decision making processes about the conditions of our workplaces and our profession.
Our strongest tool for collective action is organizing our workplaces. By creating a network of organized research institutions across universities, industry, and governmental laboratories, we can build the power we need to make our careers better and our society better.
Science is for everyone. We are building our collective future where science careers are accessible to everyone, and a scientific community that serves everyone in our society as a public good.
The issue of discrimination and inequity in science based on race, gender, national origin, disibility, and other axes of identity is well documented. Naming and quantifying the problem is necessary but not sufficient, scientists should stand with their colleagues in their workplaces to create systemic solutions for systemic problems.