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  • Increase science funding and distribute it more equitably. Federal research funding levels are too low to fully support the scientific community, and are often not distributed in a fair and equitable way. We as scientists support increased public research funding and allocation mechanisms that reflect the importance of cutting edge scientific discovery among diverse communities.

  • Create stable and well-compensated careers for scientists. For a significant portion of their careers, scientists must deal with low pay, temporary positions, and a lack of long term career prospects. We as scientists want to create more, stable, fairly-compensated positions in order to retain talented researchers from diverse backgrounds in the workforce.

  • Implement gender equity and family friendly policies. There are high levels of gender-based harassment and discrimination in science, and targeted individuals’ research careers suffer disproportionately from a lack of family-friendly policies. We as scientists aim to create enforceable mechanisms for protecting scientists from sexual harassment and expand paid family leave.

  • Increase diversity of the scientific workforce. As it stands, the makeup of the scientific workforce reflects only a limited set of backgrounds and fails to protect historically under-represented groups. We as scientists want to implement enforceable protections against racial discrimination and increase research and training support for Minority Serving Institutions.

  • Support international scientists. International scientists make up a large proportion of the scientific workforce in the United States, but because of current immigration policy they face barriers to employment and frequent disruptions to their research, creating significant uncertainty in their professional and personal lives. We as scientists support  hiring policies that minimize immigration-related disruptions and action for a more just federal immigration policy.

  • Create a movement. Building better science requires bringing scientists together. We as scientists organize within our professions and workplaces: in doing so, we are more effective at allying with social movements and communicating with the public.

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